Experts in Time and Task Management Software, Application Development and Microsoft Office Add-Ins

Helping companies to produce successful, high-quality software

ResultsWare Limited

Founded in 1992, ResultsWare Limited has been helping companies to produce successful, high-quality software. As an experienced software company, we have been involved in the development of many software products; our expertise is in time and task management and Microsoft Outlook custom solutions

Can we help you solve a problem with a bespoke software solution? Please Contact Us if you’d like to chat about developing custom software

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Close Contact

We developed Close Contact to get a one-click history of previous correspondence when a customer emails us

Get a 1-click history of previous emails when you receive or write an email

Find all the email addresses a person uses from their name or from one of their email addresses

Get a 1-click report of all the items (emails, appointments, documents etc) associated with that contact


We developed Taskline from a personal need to plan and control our own work in a simple, flexible, and familiar way

Accurately predict when work will get completed

Make sure that any deadlines you’ve been given are actually achievable

Quickly and easily adapt to new assignments

